The Most Popular Psychoactive Cannabinoids, Explained. - CHC Distro

The Most Popular Psychoactive Cannabinoids, Explained.

Understanding the Difference Between Delta 8, Delta 9, Delta 10, THC-O, THC-V, THC-P, and HHC.

It feels like every day we are learning about new cannabinoids being discovered, synthesized, or processed for consumption. While we feel that this is amazing and are super stoked to be able to bring our customers new products almost daily, we understand that deciding what options might be best for you can get a little overwhelming and downright confusing.


The good news for you is that we have done all the research for you and compiled all of the information you need to better understand THC and other similar ‘mind-altering’ cannabinoids. In this article, we’ll be comparing and contrasting each different cannabinoid as well as giving you a better idea of how each might make you feel. 


Before we get started, let’s take a minute to discuss the difference between the two most well-known cannabinoids, THC and CBD. While they are both cannabinoids, they each function within the body differently which causes different effects. 




Interestingly, THC and CBD have the same chemical structure. It is the way in which the atoms are arranged within the compound that give each cannabinoid their own physical properties.


The main differentiating factor that separates CBD and THC is the noticeable difference in effects they cause. Because they interact within the body’s endocannabinoid system differently, they each offer a different set of physical effects.


THC directly interacts with CB1 and CB2 receptors, leading to its psycho-active effects. Conversely, CBD interacts with the same receptors more indirectly which does not result in any psychoactive effects at all.


Do THC  and CBD Have The Same Medical Benefits?


While the two chemical compounds may not offer the same psychological effects, they do offer many of the same medicinal benefits. Both cannabinoids are thought to help conditions including nausea, anxiety, and pain. CBD specifically is best known for its potential benefits improving inflammation, reducing seizures, and improving migraines to name a few. THC is best known for its potential to aid in glaucoma, improving appetite, and muscle spasms.


There is also mounting evidence showing that there is potential for more medical benefits when the two cannabinoids are taken together. Studies are showing that taking the two together can lead to what is called the “entourage effect”. We have talked about this phenomenon previously when comparing full spectrum, broad spectrum, and cbd extract.


The entourage effect is essentially what happens when you consume CBD and THC with its various terpenes intact. These compounds work together to provide the full benefits of hemp. The same is true for consuming multiple cannabinoids at once. You are potentially getting the full spectrum of benefits these compounds have to offer. 


These potential benefits include the following:


In addition to these potential offerings, studies also show that taking CBD when THC helps to lessen the psychoactive effects of THC, essentially counteracting the “high”. This could be a positive benefit for those who may be wanting to take THC for health reasons but might not want any of the mind-altering effects.


Different Types of THC


Yes, you read that right. There are different types of THC. The kind that we have been previously discussing in the article is considered Delta-9 THC. This is the main chemical compound in marijuana. However, there is more than just one kind of THC.


Delta 8 THC


Recently, this form of THC has been growing in popularity for a variety of reasons. Firstly, while it provides a similar feel to that of traditional Delta 9, it’s effects are slightly more subdued. Another important factor that is contributing to the growing popularity of Delta 8 THC might actually be it’s lack of a specific side effect: paranoia.


If you have dabbled with marijuana at any point, you may recall experiencing a feeling of paranoia or anxiety. While not everyone experiences this, many do. Delta 8 presents a fantastic alternative for anyone who is looking to take the edge off, without that uneasy feeling.


As far as overall feel, you can expect a mild or moderate psychoactive effect that is relaxing and calming. While you can find the typical Indica, Sativa, and Hybrid strains of Delta 8, you will find that it’s effects mostly align to the relaxing feeling an Indica strain provides. 


Because of its more mellow “high” Delta 8 is a great option for people who are looking for help with pain, anxiety, and sleep.  


Delta 10 THC


Shortly after Delta 8 popped up on the scene, we began to start seeing Delta 10 products as well. What's the difference between Delta 8 and Delta 10, you ask? The main difference is the feel. Whereas Delta 8 offers that indica-like feel, Delta 10 is known to be much more energizing the way in which a sativa strain might feel.


Like Delta 8, Delta 10 is more mild than Delta 9. Delta 10 is a great option for people to enjoy during the day, in social settings, and also when looking to get creative. Along with Delta 8, it does have indications for pain relief and be a good option during the day, while Delta 8 is better to enjoy in the evenings. 




More recently, synthesized cannabinoids have been growing in popularity. While these cannabinoids are naturally occurring in the hemp plant, they are found in such small quantities that they must be made in a laboratory for scientific or commercial use. 


One of the most popular synthetic cannabinoids being THC-O. This compound is thought to have a higher bioavailability than Delta 8,9,or 10 which makes it significantly stronger than. Infact, THC-O is considered to be about 3 times stronger than Delta 9, and up to 5 times stronger than Delta 8 or 10.


While it can definitely be used to simply have a good time, there may also be a therapeutic element to it. Because it is so much stronger than Delta 9, many who find themselves to be in extreme pain may benefit from its use.


The use of THC-O does come with a warning, however. We do not recommend THC-O use by beginners, as it is much stronger than the other forms of THC. Even if you are an experienced user, we still recommend only starting with a half dose until you know how your body is going to react.


If you do find that you perhaps consumed a little more than you can handle. Check out our guide full of tips and tricks on how to bring down your high when you’ve gone overboard. 




This is another cannabinoid that is found naturally in hemp, but in such small quantities that all forms found on shelves today are made synthetically, is THC-P. Similar to THC-O, THC-P also has a higher bioavailability than Delta 9 which makes it much stronger.


As far as the effects you can expect to feel, THC-P offers a comparable overall experience to what one would feel when consuming a sativa strain of Delta 9 THC. However, that higher bioavailability means that you would need a significantly lower dose to feel those effects.


Therapeutically, THC-P can be helpful for reducing pain and nausea, however, due to its potency it should be used with caution. As with THC-O even seasoned THC users should start with a smaller dose than they normally would until you know how it will react within your body. 




THC-V is a very interesting cannabinoid. Presenting many more potentially therapeutic benefits that THC-O or THC-P, THC-V had been coined “diet weed” due to its appetite suppressant properties. Because of this, it is being shown to be helpful for individuals looking for help managing their weight. Additionally, it has been shown to help regulate blood sugar levels which has promising indications for those with diabetes. Some other potential benefits of THC-V include promoting bone growth as well as improving tremors, poor motor control, and brain lesions associated with Alzheimers. 


What is HHC?


HHC is a minor cannabinoid that was first created in 1944 in a lab by Roger Adams by adding hydrogen molecules to Delta 9-THC, aka hydrogenation. When taking HHC, one can expect to feel very similar effects to those felt with Delta-9. The effects of HHC will be only slightly milder than those of traditional marijuana. 


Therapeutically, HHC has not been widely studied enough to fully understand its potential realm of benefits. However, some research suggests it can be helpful for reducing pain.


When beginning to shop for any of the new cannabinoids, it is important to to your research on both the type and the brand you may be purchaning. Especially when it comes to synthetically produced compounds such as THC-O, make sure you are purchasing from a reputable brand and/or company.


At Coastal Hemp, we do the research for you. We vet and test all of our products to make sure they are produced to our standards and align with our beliefs. Every single product that is on our shelves has been tested by at least one member of our team. If we don’t like it, we don’t sell it!


Should you have any questions about any of our products or any of these cannabinoids we have discussed, our knowledgeable team is always here to answer any of your questions and to help you choose the best product for you.


We have a wide selection of hemp-derived Delta 8, Delta 9, Delta 10, THC-O, THC-P, THC-V, and HHC products for sale, ranging from vapes, edibles, dabs, disposables, and more! Plus, we’re adding new products regularly. 

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