CBD for Dogs: What Can CBD Oil Do for Your Furry Friend? - CHC Distro

CBD for Dogs: What Can CBD Oil Do for Your Furry Friend?

CBD For Dogs

Oil, treats or biscuits - here are some of the reasons we found for adding these goodies to your dog’s diet. Research results show that CBD is safe and well-tolerated in dogs, but start with small doses and see how your pet tolerates it.

Ease Cancer Pain

CBD oil for pets may help mitigate some cancer symptoms such as nausea, loss of appetite or chronic pain. It can also inhibit cancer cell growth and improve general wellness and health. Pet owners are also giving their dogs small doses of CBD daily as it has been proven to aid in preventing and killing cancer by:

  • Helping the immune system to kill cancer cells
  • Blocks the cancer cells ability to produce energy
  • Contains anti-tumor properties

Relieve Arthritis

The most common type of arthritis in dogs is osteoarthritis, also known as Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD), which is basically caused by the degeneration of cartilage in the joint. Dogs with arthritis are prone to become less active. As moving around becomes more and more difficult, dogs will naturally want to avoid activity. CBD treats can reduce inflammation and alleviate joint pain and have them moving again. Not only that, but it soothes the chronic inflammation that prevents your pet from healing properly.

Reduce Anxiety

Is your dog high strung? A nervous nilly when the storm clouds roll in? Do you dread the Fourth of July knowing how terrified your dog will be with the fireworks? Separation anxiety can result in destructive behaviors such as chewing objects, urinating, pacing, and more. CBD may help to relieve the stress from separation anxiety and noise phobias. CBD is a relaxing stimulant that calms your pet.

Boost Appetite

CBD treats can boost appetite, reduce nausea and alleviate digestive issues for suffering pups. When a dog loses their appetite, it can be hard to know the reason why. The majority of the time, they lose it due to nausea. CBD can alleviate the digestive issue and increase a pet’s appetite.

Treat Seizures and Epilepsy

Did you know that 5 percent of dogs suffer from seizures? If your dog experiences seizures, it’s essential to visit or consult a veterinarian. Commonly prescribed drugs, such as phenobarbital and potassium, can be of help but also be harmful to your dog’s organs. In some cases, CBD oil may be a safer, natural solution to minimize and reduce the severity of canine seizures. High levels of CBD can manage your pet’s seizures and over time, it has been known to reduce the frequency of them, and in some cases get rid of the seizures altogether.

Aggressive Behavior

CBD can help minimize aggressive behaviors and stress disorders making your life calmer and you less stressed out! Cannabidiol has been used as a therapeutic treatment for several years. It is a method that gives a relaxation effect which is important to reduce dog aggression. Therefore using CBD oil for dog aggression has been found to be a safe and effective method.

Where To Buy CBD For Pets

Just like there are different ways for humans to take daily CBD, there are also different options for our pets!

CBD Tincture For Pets

A great and simple option you can add to your cat or dog's food or bake into homemade treats! The Source CBD Pet Oil is formulated with organically grown CBD and never has any artificial flavorings or essential oils that could be potentially harmful for you pet, making it a safe option for animals of any size. 

Get it here for $34.00.

CBD Pet Treats

A great option for pets who aren't a fan of the oil or can sniff out anything they think might be 'medicine', these Organic CBD Pet Treats are formulated with 2 mg of CBD per treat making them perfect for pets of any size! You can learn more about how much CBD to give you pet here

Get it here for $29.95.

CBD Treats For Larger Dogs

If you are looking for a treat with a more substantial dosage of CBD for a larger animal, these are the treats for you! Formulated with 8 mg of CBD for treat, these are a great option for dogs over 65 lbs.

 Get it here for $29.99.

If you are finding your pet suffering from pain, anxiety, or maybe you just want to improve their quality of life, CBD might be a great option! As always, we recommend consulting with your veterinarian before adding anything new into your pet's diet. 




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